
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词  蒙古族,舞蹈,发展


ABSTRACT:The Mongolian dance is an important component of China's national dance. From the development history, has a long history, has a long history of the Mongolian dance roughly from rich ancient religious rituals, mysterious, inspiration, and later became the Mongolian real, simple, enthusiasm of social production and life, now, the Mongolian dance, have the characteristics of the beautiful of elegant, bold and unrestrained, but with the further advance of China's reform and opening up, modern dance inevitably caused a certain influence to its, how to realize innovative development of the Mongolian dance, has become the Mongolian dance a focus of attention of researchers and practitioners on the study of the development trend of the Mongolian dance topic, and the Mongolian dance in the new period to have higher breakthrough, stimulate the potential of the Mongolian dance, so as to make it more creative.

Key Words:The Mongolian   dance    The development of

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:作为我国民族舞蹈的奇葩,蒙古族舞蹈业已获取较大的成就。《鄂尔多斯》、《彩虹》、《马刀舞》等许多舞蹈经典作品和《筷子舞》、《鹰》、《盅碗舞》、《喜悦》、《捣茶舞》、......
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