
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词    蒙古族,呼吸,运用,蒙古舞


ABSTRACT:Breath is not only is the foundation of the people live, and the breath is the embodiment of the dancers move law. In the Mongolian nationality dance, grasp and use reasonably the breath, is not only beneficial to the balance of dancers, also help to achieve good training effect, presents the perfect image of the stage. Mongolian dance in breathing makes the dance full of vitality, let dance more infectious, breathing in the position in the Mongolian dance cannot be ignored.

Key words: Mongolia ,Respiratory, Use ,Mongolia dance

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:要想流畅自如的运用呼吸必须在日常生活中去探索、体会和练习,掌握了呼吸把它运用到作品当中并结合蒙古舞的风格特征,在舞蹈作品中完美的呈现出来,这样才能使蒙古舞更具有生......
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