
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-24
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关键词    中国古典舞, 基训, 教育, 学习


ABSTRACT:Classical dance based training for dance performance to provide better qualities of the body, is the main way to basic technical skills Dance Majors, classic dancing through strengthening the body's rhythm and effective combination of skills, cultivate dancer better posture and means, from the inside out to improve dancers temperament. So, in the reality dance teaching, we should attach importance to China classical dance teaching, improve the practice ability, exercise performance style itself, comprehensive strengthening teaching. 

Key words:Chinese classical dance, Basic training, Education, Study

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:通过阅读大量书籍,上网查询了解更多的信息,了解前人研究成果,打好理论基础。另一方面,可以通过进行基训课观察验证自己的研究结论,也可以通过咨询老师、同学获得相应的信......
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