
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词  听觉,钢琴演奏,音乐联想,感受


ABSTRACT:Music is an auditory art, need through the auditory organs, to feel, to identify and appreciate. The piano is a musical instrument with rich colors, a wide range, sonorous, mellow, vigorous, and the multiplicity of the volume, the sounding principle is finger force on the keys of a piano, piano music image is to communicate by voice. So the hearing in the association is in the piano very important link in the process, it is directly related to the performance characterization and understanding of music image. The performer's hearing to playing skills to deal with and sound effects are improved. For Piano performers, the most basic question is sound. What kind of music? Touch keys, what kind of sound natural? What kind of play better in order to show their inner understanding of music? As for the above points, in addition to the skill requirements, more important is the need to use their sense of hearing to identify. Auditory including hearing and internal auditory external, in play piano key is the heart of the hearing, only the hearts of the existence of a clear voice intention, through a unified external auditory and internal auditory, will want to transfer to the audience through the fingers, make the listener feel real music. Therefore, auditory association plays an important role in piano playing, is one aspect can not be ignored.

Key Words: Auditory, Piano, Music Association, Feeling

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:听觉可以分为两个层次,即外部听觉和内心听觉。外部听觉是一种生理反应,人在听到外部音响时听觉器官产生刺激的反应。是对音乐的一个整体印象,是产生音乐联想的基础。......
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