
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-28
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关键词:厨房电器,情感设计 ,情感分析


Abstract:The kitchen appliances as human necessities of life, people on its function demand also began to rise to more advanced spiritual level up, so the kitchen appliances design directly on the stand or fall of back to affect people's quality of life. The kitchen appliances design is not only to have the intrinsic function, also have a emotional expression of the human spirit. The kitchen appliances emotion design is based on human nature design on, is the continuation of the humanized design and sublimation. 

   Home appliances has penetrated into every aspect of the healthy people life, constitute an important part of life, it gives people brought about a lot of convenience, and help. However, it is also changing the warmth between people, also let a person more comfortable change life. The kitchen appliances design is a kind of self awareness of a reaction. A tour of perceptual design thinking. 

   The paper analyses the design of the kitchen electric equipment development, in view of the practical kitchen appliances design connotation (fashionable emotional, modelling, materials, function emotional feelings emotional) analysis understanding. 

Key words: the kitchen appliances, emotional design, the emotional analysis 




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:家电用品已经渗透到人们生活健康的方方面面,构成生活的一个重要部分,它给人们带来了不少的方便,以及帮助。然而它也在改变了人与人之间的温馨,也让人更有舒适化的生活。厨......
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