
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-27
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Abstract:After only a short while ago, mix and match wind has quietly entered our life, can be said to have become the new school 's way of life, to become the fashion tide. mix and match from the fashion industry has penetrated into the tourism, catering, entertainment and all aspects of our lives. Thereafter, fashion and classical, hip hop and solemn, luxury and simple, tedious and simple boundary between the more and more fuzzy, ideas and individual freedom have greatly facilitated the development of mix and match. People can put different time, different regions, different culture, different historical period form mixed in the same space, with a characteristic to show their claims. Overall, mix and match expression of the contemporary people 's way of life and attitude to life, it had diffuse we live less at all levels. In recent years, architectural design and interior design show diversification and fully inclusive and equitable state. This is on the mix in the sleeve interior design application to understand the basic rules and mix in the interior design of the performance.

Key Words:Interior design, Mix and match, Texture of material, furniture.




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:室内混搭虽然很流行也很时尚,但混搭是多种装饰风格的其中一种,每个人都有自己的喜好,设计师应该多与业主交流沟通。最主要的还是需要根据业主的各种背景与喜好来搭配,毕竟......
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