
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-08
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摘要:中国元素,并不陌生。在众多的现代家居设计元素中,中式风格占着举足轻重的位置,前几年欧洲古典主义比较流行,但随着时代的发展,人们开始越来越重视中式元素和符号的使用。 传统中国艺术中追求的风格,是情和景的交融,意和象的统一。书画观其韵,实际指精神、性情。室内设计是按照建筑物的使用性质、所处环境和相应标准,应用物质技术手段和建筑美学原理,创造功能合理、舒适优美、满足人们物质和精神生活需要的室内环境。所以,中国元素在室内设计中广泛的应用开来,因为它不但体现了中国文化的博大精深,也使得中国文化得到传承与发展。

关键词: 中国元素 室内设计 传统文化 运用 新中式风格


ABSTRACT:Chinese elements is not unfamiliar to us.In the large of modern home furnishing design elements, Chinese style plays a decisive role.With the development of the times, people begin to pay more and more attention to the application of Chinese elements and symbols, in spite of that the European classic style is more popular a few years ago.The style of pursuit in traditional Chinese art is not only the blend of feeling and sigh but also the unity of idea and image. The lingering charm we find from Calligraphy and painting actually refers to spirit and ‘temperament’. With the application of material, technical and the theory of architectural aesthetics, interior design means creating the indoor environment which is functional , reasonable, comfortable ,beautiful, and meeting the people's material and spiritual needs of the indoor environment ,based on the nature of the use of buildings, the environment and the corresponding standards. Chinese elements is applied widely in the interior design, because it not only reflects the broad and profound  Chinese culture, but also helps the Chinese cultural to get inherited and developed. 

Key words: Chinese elements, interior design, traditional culture, application, new Chinese style




上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:传统中国艺术中追求的风格,是情和景的交融,意和象的统一。书画观其韵,实际指精神、性情。室内设计是按照建筑物的使用性质、所处环境和相应标准,应用物质技术手段和建筑美学原理......
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