
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-22
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关键词:平面设计 图文艺术 多维视觉 信息时代


ABSTRACT:With the use of a computer, network technology, digital technology, human life and work in introducing new ideas and thinking, gradually breaking the traditional graphic design methods and principles of design, making graphic design from editing, typesetting , synthesis, post-processing, illustration creation, etc., until the finished print, publishing and other sectors have undergone a revolutionary change. Graphic designer, modern era of globalization, more and more able to grasp the information, geographic and humane trends, make full use of digital technology and network resources, designed to meet the requirements of the contemporary era of high-quality work, so as to enhance the quality and commercial communication cultural value of content and further from a macro perspective to promote social, economic and cultural integration and innovation.

   Graphic design, in short, refers to the synthesis of a variety of graphic elements of visual communication of information law order and design activities. Graphic, visual communication as a fundamental component of its basic definition and distinction between the concept of visual communication as usual is no longer entirely different. In broader terms, page impressions, image design and all forms of design pattern plane should be included among the areas in graphic design. Contemporary graphic design as a visual art to convey the main component, has gone from industrial society to information society. In the modern design of diversified development trend, along with the way of human existence into a new concept, graphic design, accustomed in the past to use the design rules are gradually being innovative creation, the inherent symbolic image is gradually deconstructed, people in Design of a new era of exploration and strive to find better rationalize visual space, the development of contemporary graphic design and thus formed a new design trends.

   Therefore, as a new era of all-round in all areas at all levels of advancement, graphic design from the plane to start, but it can show three-dimensional, multi-dimensional information and mood, not only for traditional physical carrier, but also can be applied to the vast expanse of virtual space, passing all want to pass the language and image. This topic is based on the concept of technological progress and innovation hands background, graphic design proposed multi-dimensional visual expression of the design philosophy, and discussed with examples of argumentation.

Keywords:graphic design;graphic arts;multidimensional vision;information age


上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:图文,作为视觉传达的一个基础性组成部分,其基本定义与视觉传达理念之间的区分已不再像以往一样泾渭分明。广义来看,网页展示、形象设计等一切平面形式的设计模式都应该包含......
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