
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-08
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关键字:主题酒店 情节化 陈设 场景氛围 电影


ABSTRACT: “Furnishings-art” as an emerging design field is rapidly emerging, especially in the modern hotel room for widely use, it became the focus of space and bright. Good or bad furnishings will directly affect the characteristics of the theme hotel. This paper attempts to draw on the research methods of film, then use it to analysis the plot of furnishings in hotel. In the analysis, the author analysis some hotels and obtain the research result: the expression elements of plot-oriented furnishings, the structure of expression and the way of combination. These hotels include: ShangHai URBN hotel, SuZhou YuTing hotel. From this result, we can see that the design of plot-oriented furnishings have some plot theme and create a particular atmosphere of scene by the meaning of symbol and metaphor. The purpose of plot-oriented hotel furnishings is not only for the performance of the contents of the plot, but also creating the relationship between space and structural. Based on the plot-oriented hotel furnishings, this paper try to orchestrate the "movie" theme hotel furnishings and expect to make the furnishings plot-oriented. Thereby, the customers can deeply feel the “movie” atmosphere.

Keywords: Theme hotel;Plot-oriented;Furnishings;Atmosphere;Movie


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:通过分析,可以看出陈设中是以一定的主题为情节主线,通过陈设能指的符号特性,象征或隐喻其所指代的对象,并由此营造出特定的场景氛围。室内空间情节化的提出,目的不只是为表......
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