
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-24
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摘要:  在市场经济的今天广告成为了商家进行宣传战的主要渠道,企业形象主要是以强大的经济实力以广告形式进行宣传,以达到影响力的加强和品牌档次的提升。而现代广告已经不是狭隘的艺术范畴了,它是设计到社会,科技,教育,文化,政治,伦理,社会科学,自然科学乃至于城市文化,国家文化,企业文化,的广泛领域。现在的商业广告已经不是单单的仅限于推销商品的了,他也承担着社会生产,生活和人们社会活动的沟通职能。

关键词:创意 ;环境;吸引力 


Abstract:Composition of the image of the city should be attached to outdoor advertising has increased, make its have a positive effect, change the present situation of the outdoor advertising can let to beautify the city, change. From the aesthetic Angle to change the outdoor advertising impact on cities is pretty critical, give the audience in the hurried pace of life is different form the visual impact can bring different visual enjoyment to the audience and a good mood, accept advertising information. Bright color composition, form unique outdoor advertising can fully improve the image of the city, whether it is a dynamic, or static forms of advertising can let a person feel a kind of beautiful enjoyment City defective location, do not easily to beautify the area. Outdoor advertising can cover dirty, disorderly and poor, make its smart maintenance of city image, beautify the neat the city, also can fully partition and reduce noise. A good outdoor advertising by the audience's attention at the same time, also can let people mental shock, change the original negative mental status, guide the audience's positive attitude to face, it also affects the city's spiritual civilization.

Keywords: originality;environment;environment

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:国外户外广告它们相当的关注于户外广告与周围环境的化学反应,尽量的让二者能够得以有机结合起来。特别是欧洲的一些工业化大都会其实都是很难见到那种具有标志性的高楼,而是......
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