
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-26
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摘  要:近几年来,随着国家经济的快速发展,城市建筑也迅速发展壮大,随之带来的是人们的居住环境水平的提高,因此室内设计也被人们更加重视。室内设计在不断发展的同时,人们对住宅室内设计的要求也在不断地提高,特别是对其空间划分的要求,要满足以人为本的原则。所以现在设计师们不仅要从当初最基本的色彩、材料、总体预算上为人们考虑,而且更重要的是从室内空间的划分及使用上着重思考。又由于社会的不断发展,新的生活需求和生活方式不断出现,人们的居住空间环境也必然会随之发生变化,有着新的发展趋势。现代室内设计有着重要的一点,是运用技术和艺术手法进行空间划分设计,达到空间的最佳合理状态,满足人们能够在室内环境中能舒适地生活、工作和学习。因此,室内设计及空间划分的根本目的,就是创造满足人们物质与精神两方面需要的空间环境。

关键词:住宅室内设计 空间划分 整体化设计观点


ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, city construction is also developing rapidly, brought the people living environment improvement, therefore the interior design has also been more attention. Interior design continues to develop at the same time, people on residential interior design requirements are constantly improved, especially on its space requirements, to meet the people-oriented principle. So now, designers should not only from the original basic colors, materials, the overall budget for the people to consider, but more importantly from the division and the use of interior space on thinking. Due to the continuous development of society, the new needs of life and way of life appear constantly, living environment, people will also change, with new development trend. Modern interior design has the important point, is the use of technology and art space partition design, the best state to meet the space, people can live comfortably, work and study in the indoor environment. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of interior design and space division, is to create to meet the people's material and spiritual needs of the space environment two.

Keywords: Residential interior design;Space division;The overall design

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:现代住宅室内设计越来越注重功能上的空间划分,运用各种手法装饰空间来展示室内装饰文化,使有限的室内空间有着最大化的视觉感受和使用价值。随着生活水平和文化素质的提高,......
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