
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-26
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摘  要:售楼部代表着一种时代的进步,是一个具有中国特色的展示空间。其次还是一种居住文化的体现。随着社会的发展,人们对居住文化的认识逐步提升,居住条件的选择得到重视。居住改变生活。这时售楼部就不仅是一种商业平台和营销道具了,而是引领人们去感受居住文化;发掘品质生活;展现现代居住观念。售楼部作为居住文化的一种载体,是传承历史、延续文明的重要方式。所以;售楼部室内展示设计再也不能仅仅局限在视觉、功能、形式等上了。而是要通过这些以一种新的理念去深入展示消费者的居住观念。


关键词:售楼部  室内展示设计  居住文化  居住观念


ABSTRACT:The sales department, represents a kind of progress of era, is a space to show   Chinese characteristics. Moreover, it also reflects the sort of living culture. With the development of the society, people tend to ascend the understanding of residential culture gradually, and boost the attention to living conditions’ choice. Resident changes the way of life. Then sales department is not just a prop of business platform and marketing tool, but lead people to feel living culture; excavate the quality of life; and show the modern living concept. The sales department as a carrier of the residential culture is an important way of inheritance history and continuation of civilization. Therefore, sales department of the interior display design can no longer be limited on the visual, function, form etc. But through these to show consumers’ living concept by a new idea.

   This paper under a certain theoretical guidance, through literature material, investigation method, to understand the current sales of indoor display conditions and patterns. Not only compares the sales department of the interior display design system of research, but also probes into the residential culture of our country. This paper made some basis for conclusion and put forward feasible suggestions. Since that relevant information about the relationship between sales department and living culture as the main object of study is less, there is no doubt,this study would paly a certain positive role to complement this field.

Key Words:  Sales Department;   Interior Display Design;   Residential Culture;  Living Concept

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:论文在一定的理论指导下,通过文献资料、调查研究法,了解当前售楼部室内展示情况和模式。不仅对售楼部室内展示设计进行了比较系统的研究,而且也探讨了我国的居住文化。得出......
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