
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-27
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摘  要:在物质和服务日益同质化的今天,顾客通过亲身体验与感受来认知产品,进而决定接受与否的消费需求,已经成为一种主导需求。展示空间中的体验设计是企业、品牌、产品与顾客的生活方式、生活习惯和情感需求紧密联系起来媒介。





ABSTRACT:Goods and services in the growing homogenization of today, customers come through personal experience and feelings of cognitive products, and then decide whether or not to accept consumer demand, has become a dominant needs. The exhibition space is the enterprise experience design, brand, product and customer lifestyles, habits and emotional needs closely linked media.

   Experience exhibition design as a new form of exhibition space design, its appearance is the inevitable development of exhibition design, exhibition design also reflects the development trend and direction.

   This article from the customer's senses, emotion, action, thinking four aspects are discussed and applied it to the exhibition space designs, design and experience to look forward to achieve the perfect combination of exhibition space.

Keywords: exhibition space; experience; design

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:对于观众来说,体验式展示方式的引入,有利于改变他们作为被动受教育者的地位,使他们与展品之间不再是孤立、被动的关系,而是融合、主动的关系。观众经过“体验”后所获取的......
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