
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-20
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   Interior design is now become a mainstream, with the continuous development of social living standard, people's requirements, the grade also will be constantly improved, the coffee into the Chinese market, and this industry has slowly become a pillar of the Chinese economy one. Therefore, the design of the exterior design and interior styling, constitute the perfect combination of coffee is the image inside and outside the shop, restaurant design, "Honeycomb" as the theme, it covers similar characteristics with the coffee, have a significant role in human and its function, and the other reflecting the characteristics of their hard work, addition of coffee color and the color has a honeycomb and similar aspects.

   So close to nature in the overall design of close to nature, and using a warm deep red color and elements to create their own coffee, the whole space, give consumers the feeling of a natural color. Lighting layout, so there is clearly room for secret, out in the dark. Is the combination of warm and honest, is a symbol of nature and leisure.

Keywords:Indoor and outdoor coffee shop image design; honeycomb theme; natural and recreational


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:并采用了热情的绛红色与咖啡本身的色彩元素打造整体空间,给消费者一种天然色彩的感觉。灯光的布置,让空间暗中有明,明中有暗。是温馨与淳朴的结合,是自然与休闲的象征。......
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