
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-28
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摘要:包装设计是为消费者服务的,从消费者使用、喜好的角度考虑是包装设计最基本的出发点。因此,消费形态的变化对包装设计产生着重要的影响。 随着人们生活节奏的加快,时间和效率成为最重要的因素,在商品包装上更加要求体现出便利性、简洁性。


关键词: 包装设计 被动关注和主动关注  简洁 构图


Abstract:Packaging design is serve consumer, from consumers use, be fond of Angle consideration is the most basic starting point packaging design. Therefore, consumption patterns change on packaging design produces the important influence. As people life rhythm speeding up, time and efficiency to become the most important factor in commodity packaging, more requirements reflects convenience, simplicity. 

Colour elegant, elegant, packaging designs made the elegant, landscapes themselves. Your design and layout will decide others view your work time length, only others' attention in your work longer stay effective communication, information ability. If you work not noticed, all else is meaningless. 

keywords:  Packaging design  ,Passive attention and active concern,concise ,composition


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:你的设计及版面会决定别人观看你的作品时间的长短,只有别人的注意力在你的作品中停留的时间较长,信息才能有效沟通。如果你的作品不能引起别人的注意,其它一切都是无意义的......
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