
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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关键词:色彩,礼服, 情感, 配色


Abstract:“Clothes is the characterization of culture, is an image of the thought. Clothes”This is a great wordsmiths guo moruo said,that meaning people can through to the outside world to show his dress, clothing for us also is very important. But in the clothing design, the colour of clothing to the clothing of vision is people first impression, therefore, clothing color in the clothing of occupied part is also very important, has the vital significance. Different fashion colour reflects different clothing visual sense, reflect different feelings, it along with the development of the human race, different age to endow the different understanding of clothing color, it has the birth of social symbolic, the aesthetic and practical functional characteristic. This paper briefly from simple dress and color of the relationship between the different color and individual's mood began to reflect, and at the same time, to explore colour collocation dress in the aesthetic the balance of power.

Key Words:Colour, dress, emotions, match colors




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:不同时代对服装色彩赋予不同的理解,它的产生就有着社会象征性、审美性和实用功能性的特点。同样,色彩在礼服的设计运用中也具有很强的重要性,本文从简单简述礼服和色彩两者......
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