
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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Abstract:The rapid development of industrial civilization provides people with rich material conditions. Articles of everyday use are everywhere, which implies that they play as a scale plate of people’s living standard. In the fast pace of modern life, in order to meet the needs of people’s life, to enjoy better life as well as sweet and romantic feelings, and to release the pressure, emotional design emerges as the times require. Emotional design integrates emotional factor into commodities, and thus they have feelings of people. Through shape, color, texture and all kinds of design elements, these commodities become emotional. The most concise and affinity design are applied in product design.

   This paper mainly refers to the daily life of common goods, smaller, simpler structure and no high-tech applications daily, non-consumption products.The current study works out the key point of emotional design by means of studying the present situation, characteristics of commodities, summarizes their basic expressing types, brings out the general method of emotional design in. And then make new product design.  

Key Words:emotional, daily use, Visual semantics





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本论文生活日用品主要泛指日常生活常见的小产品,体积较小,结构较简单和无高科技应用的生活日用品,非消耗型产品。从生活日用品的现状、特点,找出生活日用品情感化设计的切......
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