
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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Abstract:Illumination facilities play an important role such as products,furniture and works of art in life.With the development of the society,the designs of illumination facilities are changing all the time,and the design of bamboo lamps is one of them.Bamboo lamps,which are full of traditional culture with characteristics,but without losing the modern fashionable beauty,have a long history in China. Since we now have various styles and great numbers of bamboo lamps,creative design on surface of products is obtained.Moreover,we should constantly find innovative points by breaking through traditional technology. 

  The technology of bamboo lamps appears as the progress of human civilization,and the development of them have been perfected with human progresses and needs.After the humans walk out of the cave,sheds are made of bambooms to escape the rain;fence walls are built with bamboos to raise animals; bamboos are also the raw materials of cookers,baskets and farm tools.Bamboo productions are created to adapt people's living needs.People write words on bamboo slips in ancient times ,therefore,it plays an significant role in language communication and heritage of human cultures.The technology of bamboo has been developed for thousands of years,and it is the treasure of Chinese people and we should affirm, cherish and develop it.

  The technology of bamboo is traditional,but bamboo lamps are modern and fashionable. bamboo lamps are full of traditional crafts and modern technology.They can be used not only for seeing,but also for decorating.When he technology of bamboo and energy-saving lamps are combined, charm and characteristics can be reflected better in the use of fashionable home decoration.

Key words: bamboo lamps,innovative design,bamboo arts, traditional craft


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:竹编设计是传统工艺,灯具时现代时尚产品,传统和现代和谐的融合这样不但使灯有了照明的效果还有装饰的作用,竹编这样传统的民间工艺配上现在节能的灯具,传统不再是古老的,......
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