
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-11
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【关键字】在校大学生; 抽样调查; 网络安全意识; 防范措施


【Abstract】Network as the most convenient information media in today's society, enhance communication and exchange of students with the outside world at the same time, some adverse information can also affect their physical and mental development, which makes network security awareness is particularly important to strengthen students. I aimed to understand the basic knowledge and basic skills in college students network security through a sample survey of college students on 310 different institutions. The survey found: the majority of college students have some knowledge about the basic knowledge of network security, many students have a certain network security measures, but when encountered in a number of specific security issues, can the knowledge into practice, but small, these problems highlight the college students' awareness of network security is weak, the lack of relevant knowledge and skills.

【Keywords】college students: sample survey: network security awareness: preventive measures

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:高校在教育中如何培养大学生的网络安全意识?如何提高大学生的网络安全防范能力?以往的调查研究主要涉及大学生的信息安全问题、大学生的网络信息安全教育以及加强校园网的建......
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