
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-12
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ABSTRACT:"Innovation is one of the important dynamic progress of human civilization" Innovation ability level is to determine the national international competitiveness between China and international status, and the cultivation of innovative ability of college students in employment competitiveness and improve their independence and quality of the national development and national rejuvenation plays a vital role. But the cultivation of the contemporary college students' innovation ability by teaching system, teacher's teaching methods and students' awareness of innovation ability as well as the effective way to construct the limitation of innovation ability cultivation model, etc, its development also needs a lot of help. Based on the trend of education, therefore, to explore how to strengthen the HongHe university students' innovative ability training the related way and method, hope for the school under the new situation to strengthen students' innovation ability put forward the corresponding Suggestions and countermeasures. 

Keywords: HongHe university ; College students; Innovation ability; The status quo; Restricting factors; countermeasures







上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:通过本文的写作,分析本校学生创新能力培养的现状及存在的问题。从学校的教学体制、教师教学方式、校园环境和学生自我等角度,分析了制约本校学生创新能力培养的因素和培养本......
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