
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-01
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Abstract:With the continuous development of society, consumption has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Contemporary college students is a rapidly growing consumer remarkable potential groups, their consumption concept represents a new generation of Chinese consumer attitudes. They are under the influence of modern society, consumer attitudes, lifestyle, fashion, consumer psychology and behavior tend to generate the interaction between each other to form a unique consumer psychological characteristics. Their consumption patterns, consumption process is always accompanied by a certain degree of consumer attitudes, the characteristics of this concept of consumption, changes vulnerable to the impact of family, school and community to provide a variety of information, with a strong plasticity, this particular college students consumer groups, their consumption on society as a whole will be greater or lesser extent. Based on the relevant literature on the analysis of the status quo of contemporary college students spending four sources of consumer, consumer spending, consumption structure and consumption concept in different grades of Honghe University, 400 students of different gender and different colleges using the form of a questionnaire to a sample survey conducted and recovery of data analyzed. The results showed that the contemporary college students consumer consciousness, consumption structure is irrational, and put forward some countermeasures for these phenomena from the students themselves, family, school and social, to enable students to recognize their own consumption defects promptly corrected, family, school and community to recognize the impact of their consumption concept of consumer attitudes of college students for college students, and efforts to create a healthy and positive environment for consumption. I hope this can provide some reference to guide students to establish the scientific concept of consumption.

Keywords: College students; Consumption status; Countermeasures


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:结果表明当代大学生存在消费意识淡薄,消费结构不合理等现象,并针对这些现象从大学生自身、家庭、学校和社会四方面提出一些对策,让学生能认识到自身消费存在的缺陷并及时改......
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