
资料分类:高等教育 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-07-01
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   Self-worth sense is to be a guest individual in social life accepts a kind of positive feelings to know and apprise the main body of society and himself as a host .It is a aspect has great effect on person’s know ,mood and behavior .It is also the important aspect that affects the level of the mental health of person. The study of this paper adopted the teenagers self-worth scale which made by Huang Xiting. The author compared 223 minority college students with 168 Han minority college students in Honghe University, to discuss the characteristic of the status of sense of self-worth among these minority students. As a result, the overall level of minority students in the sense of self-worth is under the Han minority college students. The boys' sense of psychological value, morality value, society orientation among the minority students are under the Han minority college students obviously, and the girls' have no great difference. The minority students’ sense of self-worth are different between each grade in Honghe University, the freshman's sense of self-worth are beyond the other three grades obviously, but the overall level without a great difference. The minority students’ senses of self-worth have difference in gender. The girls' sense of self-worth, society orientation, interpersonal value and biological value are under the boys' obviously.

Keywords:Honghe university; national minority;College students; self-worth sense;research

上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:少数民族大学生自我价值感总体水平低于汉族大学生。其中,男性少数民族大学生在个人取向的心理价值感、道德价值感、社会取向的一般自我价值感及社会取向的心理价值感水平显著......
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