
资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-05
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关键词: 战略、中小企业、房产、战略设计


Abstract:As per abidance increase perch, Real Estate Market endured strange swing by the policies.  Some of large-scale developers commence to cooperate implementing policy controlling.  Some of small-scale developers are eliminated and been out.  It is not optimistic for the real estate market situation. 

XX Real Estate Co. is a small and medium enterprise house Property Company who is from a revolution of State Corporation.  Concerning the drastic competition situation, it is the critical problem that we get the development of strategy and one seat within the real estate market.  It is the austere topic whether the company is do or die.  This paper will try to use the theory and research material explaining the study then to get the right way of development strategy.

The paper consists of five chapters.  The first chapter is analysis the background of task and realizes the significance of strategy management research.  This chapter indicates the content, method, route and prospective goals of investigation as well.  And it is the preparation for the next further discussion.

The second chapter dissertate the concept of strategy management, and analysis the seedtime of strategy management and the primary genre.  Then cite it to the subject of the paper:  the design of strategy development in XX Real Estate Company, description of essentiality and pre-requisite 

   The third chapter analysis the actuality of Meilongzhen Real Estate Company and bring to bear SWOT / corporation lifecycle.  Both of the methods construe the development status of corporation and investigate the development strategy in a medium to pint-sized corporation.  As per integration of Meilongzhen Real Estate Company’s status quo, it establishes the strategies for the development. 

   The fourth chapter unites the present status and draws the realizable solution of strategies for XX Real Estate Company.

The final chapter, it demonstrates the signification and essentiality for strategy design

Keywords strategy, small and medium enterprise, real estate, strategy design


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:XX房产是一家国有转制而来的中小型房产公司,如何在竞争激烈的形势下,有一个恰如其分的战略发展,谋求在房产市场中的一席之地,是一个至关重要的,而且关乎企业成败生死的严峻......
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