
资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-05
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关键词: 物流 库存 配送 配送中心


Abstract:Distribution logistics is one of the basic functions of the logistics activities have an important position and role. It reflects the logistics of the final effect ----- directly to the customer service to meet customer needs. If not it will affect the logistics and distribution logistics economic and social benefits, It can be said that the logistics results primarily through distribution to achieve. Distribution as human vascular, enterprises of all closely linked, Distribution in the economic development will be the increasingly prominent role. improving logistics and distribution enterprises have become improving the quality and cost-effectiveness is the only way

Supermarkets as a market economy under the conditions of the natural product, because of its scale and efficiency, can greatly reduce the cost of purchases of goods, to attract consumers and expand the market share of commodities played a large role, It is also involved in international competition in the market effective way. However, China's supermarkets operating in the logistics and distribution that has a very low level. therefore enhance our supermarkets modern logistics distribution level is a matter of urgency. 

This paper first discusses the logistics and distribution advantages. SG went to company to target for empirical analysis, in particular the establishment of a distribution center ,inventory, information, Delivery optimization to improve the distribution center scheduling efficiency and cost-effective, and to achieve a better distribution logistics modernization. Finally, the existence of supermarkets in China, to accelerate its development of a number of recommendations , solve its problems and the expected result was due to the forecast. 

Of course, as all sectors of the environment and different structures, making logistics and distribution in practical application there is a big difference. especially in the emerging sectors of logistics distribution there are many problems in the implementation , it is necessary to integrate the actual conduct of exploration and study, so as to achieve the strategic management theories to supplement and perfect purpose. 

Keywords:  Logistics  warehousing  distribution  distribution center


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文首先论述了物流配送的优点。接着以SG公司超市为对象进行实证分析,特别对建立一个配送中心的库存、信息化、配送的优化等问题做了深入的探讨,用以提高配送中心的调度效率及......
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