
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT:Relationship between our government and non-governmental organizations came through alienation、control、leading and cooperation. In the past, because the government is the only subject of public administration, the relationship between non-governmental organizations and government is alienation or control; to the modern society, gradual shift of government functions lets non-governmental organizations make first appearance in social management. Since the reform and opening-up policy , non-governmental organization as the intermediate part of society and government, its role and function appears day by day. Non-governmental organizations play an important role in the construction of Chinese characteristic socialism, and its relation with the government has important influence on the development of non-governmental.Only by establishing cooperation relationship between non-governmental organizations and the government can better promote the development of non-governmental organizations and enhance its contribution to the society.Through the analyses of relations issues between non-governmental organizations and government, discusses how our country to establish non-governmental  organizations  and  government relations  of  cooperation.

Keywords: Non-governmental organization; government; relationship




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:随着经济的发展以及政府职能的改变,非政府组织作为政府与市场之外的一大重要力量,将影响到社会的发展,因此政府需要同非政府组织建立一个良性的互动关系。......
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