
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract:The communist party of China always attach great importance to the selection of the local party and government cadres, in the process of selection, because of the influence of the environment and the selecting work itself, leading to a local party and government cadres system mechanism design, selection and appointment of way too single, supervision and accountability is not tight, clear post qualification is not enough. Therefore, must be taken to improve the standards of cadre selection and appointment system, perfect scientific cadre selection mechanism, promote the reform of cadre selection supervision innovation, according to the principle of people post to match the post qualification more clear steps to solve the above problems, etc.


.Key Words:local party and government cadres;democracy;competition;supervision

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:在干部选拔制度中,人民是不可或缺的,必须要得到他们的承认。目前,民主推荐已成为党政干部选拔任用机制中的重要步骤和首要环节。群众对于官员们做出的业绩,他们的感受是最......
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