
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-14
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关键词:网络舆论  表现形式  形成机制  政治意蕴


Abstract:The Internet becomes the main battlefield of public opinion creation and dissemination gradually. The cyberspace public opinion also plays a more and more important role in the social life. The netizen announces an opinion to the sudden affairs and the social business eagerly, and those opinions form some large-scaled and powerful cyberspace public opinions, thus influence the progress of affairs solution. The cyberspace public opinion owns the content, manifestation, formation mechanism of itself and has itself political connotation more. The cyberspace public opinion has already become the influence that is not allowed to neglect at present. It is drawing on different stratum to send out their own voice and make more political participation through the network platform. at the same time it has extremely important meaning to push change the government manage mode progressively and pour to force traditional medium reform and help the political setup to reform and finally push the progress of the whole social democracy.

Key words:cyberspace public opinion; Manifestation; formation mechanism; political connotation

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:探讨网络舆论的政治意蕴,呼吁更多的草根阶层参与其中,通过网络平台发表自己的声音,推动相关政府部门更加重视网络舆论的声音,以还原事情的真相、维护社会正义就变得极具重......
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