
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-14
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【关键词】高校; 思想政治教育; 隐性课程; 构建策略


【Abstract】Due to the influence of traditional education ideas, our Ideological and political education exists "dominant curriculum, recessive course in light”. But with the development of society and the deepening of educational reform, the traditional dominant Ideological and political education in the new era of the effectiveness of weakening, College Students' Ideological and political education is facing great challenge, so the college began to pay attention to the development and utilization of Ideological and political education of the hidden curriculum, in order to enhance the effectiveness of Ideological and political education. This paper will summarize the hidden curriculum and the relationship between the Ideological and political education, so as to highlight the Ideological and political education in the construction of the recessive curriculum. Through exploration of Ideological and political education problems, especially according to the problems in the dominant curriculum implementation to put forward to build the countermeasure of hidden curriculum.

【Keywords】University; Ideological and Political Education; Recessive Course; Construction Strategy

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:具体来说,隐性课程是指教育者运用生动活泼的教育活动,使学生在潜移默化中受到影响的教育方式。而高校思想政治教育中的隐性课程是思想政治教育者在理解了思想政治教育内涵及......
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