
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:对于世界各国政府来讲,随着现代社会的不断发展,社会工作志愿者作为一项人力资源越来越受重视,社会工作志愿服务事业也小有成就。然而,社会工作志愿服务事业作为一项新兴事业,尚处于发展的初级阶段,服务体系仍有一定的欠缺。本课题着眼于社会工作志愿服务的现状,论述了建立和完善社会工作志愿服务体系的重要性与必要性,并探讨了社会工作志愿服务体系的四个系统,即社会,政府,社会志愿服务组织,社会工作志愿队伍,存在的问题。笔者从问题出发,分别探讨了社会,政府,社会工作志愿者组织,志愿者自身这四个系统在建立和完善的社会工作志愿服务体系中的责任。

关键字:社会工作者  志愿者  体系完善


ABSTRACT:For governments around the world,with the continuous development of modern society, volunteer work as a human resources is paid more attention .and social work volunteer service has small achievements. However, social work volunteer service as a new enterprise, is still in the primary stage of development, service system is still not enough perfect. This study focuses on the status of social work volunteer service , discusses the importance and necessity of establishing and perfecting the social volunteer service system, and discusses the four systems of volunteer service system ,which are social, government, social volunteer service organization, social work volunteer team, existing problems. From the point of view, we will discuss the

responsibility.of the social, government, social work volunteer organizations, and volunteers in the establishment and perfection of the social work volunteer service system .

Keywords:the social worker;the volunteer;the systerm’s improvement

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:社会工作者志愿服务体系的研究,有助于非营利组织内部管理机制的完善。一个完善的服务体系意味着有效的管理方式。有效的管理能保证组织的运行,激发成员的服务热情,以促进组......
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