
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:青少年犯罪已成为严重影响社会安定的一个重要因素,引起了社会的强烈关注,我们更多的应该是强调预防犯罪,而不是惩罚,在犯罪人员的思想和行为发生偏差以前我们就应该予以修正,而这与社会工作专业助人自助的核心价值观相吻合。作为社会工作的重要实务领域,社会工作可以介入青少年犯罪,以专业的理论、方法和技能,帮助青少年,给他们提供思想教育、心理辅导、行为纠正、生活照顾等,帮助他们了解自我,修正行为模式,矫正认知偏差,恢复其社会功能。社会工作介入预防青少年犯罪是一种新兴的方法,该种方法的优势与长处、使用状况、落实情况以及该种方法在使用中的技巧和注意事项都值得探讨。本文采用实证研究法,收集了当前青少年犯罪的现状和预防青少年犯罪的现状,以及社会工作介入青少年预防犯罪的现状,对该社区的青少年犯罪情况以及社工介入预防青少年犯罪的情况进行探析。

关键词:青少年 犯罪 预防 社会工作


ABSTRACT:Juvenile crime has become a serious impact on social stability and an important factor that caused the strong focus of the society, we should be more emphasis on crime prevention, rather than punish, personnel's thought and behavior of the crime happen deviation before we should be corrected, and this with the core values of social work professional help others. As an important practice field of social work, social work can step in juvenile crime, with professional theories, methods and skills, help adolescents, to provide them with correct ideological education, psychological guidance, behavior, living care, help them to understand themselves, correct behavior, correcting cognitive biases and restore its social function. Social work intervention to prevent juvenile crime is a kind of new method, the approach's advantages and strengths, and use, implementation, and skills in using such a method and the matters needing attention are worth exploring. This article adopts the way of empirical study, a community in chongqing as an example, the community juvenile crime situation and the situation of the social work intervention to prevent juvenile crime to carry on the analysis.

Key words: Juvenile   crime  prevention  social of work

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:通过本次对社区青少年犯罪预防和社工介入的研究,让笔者充分认识了现阶段我国青少年犯罪和预防青少年犯罪现状,同时也充分认识了现阶段我国社会工作的发展现状。从中分析发现......
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