
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:21克拉 更新时间:2014-10-08
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Abstract:The function of local government of our country has been in the exploration and the unclear state at present. This is mainly because the local government responsibility is not clear, the offside phenomenon is serious; system is imperfect, system is not perfect; abuse of power; do not perform their duties in place, regulation caused by reasons. The local government should do their location from the following aspects: to the local economic development facilitator; good market regulators, do a good job in social affairs; to do public service providers; good social fairness safeguard; do a good job in social stability.

Key words: harmonious social field of vision;local authority function;localization;principle;strategy

上传会员 21克拉 对本文的描述:要对地方政府职能进行合理的定位,首先要做的就是对地方政府职能进行界定。关于地方政府职能的定位,主要有这些观点:匡萍在《新公共管理视角下政府经济职能定位的思考》中从......
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