
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:橙子 更新时间:2014-12-05
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摘要:在完善社会主义市场经济体制、全面建成小康社会的新要求下 ,强化政府公共服务职能已成为政府职能转变的重要问题。我国服务型政府的建立经历了曲折的历程,目前,还存在着公共产品供给总量和服务质量低、供给结构失调、机制体制不健全、公共参与度较低等问题。为了适应社会经济发展需要,进一步促进市场经济的发展,政府需要加快职能转变,简政放权,加大对公共服务的投入,结合我国国情建立公共服务的模式和体系,充分发挥政府在市场化中的作用。



Abstract:Under the new requirements of improving the socialist market economic system and building a well-off society in an all-round way, strengthening the government's public service function has become an important problem to the transition of government function. It has experienced a tortuous course to build a service-oriented government in our country. At present, there are some problems, such as the low quality of service, supply structure imbalance, mechanism is not sound, public participation is low. In order to meet the needs of social and economic development, to further promote the development of market economy, the government needs to speed up the functional transformation, decentralization, increase spending on public services, combined with China's national conditions to establish a public service mode and system and give full play to the role of government in market.

Key words: market economy; the transformation of government functions; public service

上传会员 橙子 对本文的描述:政府干预在某些时候是非常必要的,同时政府也需要制定相应的中性的、全面的政策调节工具,但应把握好“度”。在市场经济下,政府的主要职责是保持宏观经济稳定,加强和优化公......
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