
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小天天 更新时间:2015-06-03
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Abstract:The national civil service system is a historic reform of political system andadministrative system and very fruitful achievement in modern countries,personnel management, government management, and the development of the whole society, progress plays a very important role. Disadvantages China civil service system in traditional cadre system, to adapt to the situation of reform and opening up, establishing and perfecting the appointment and management and supervision mechanisms, refine, improve cadre incentive mechanism, establish reasonable recruitment, promotion and other aspects of the system, and in the system to encourage civil servants team cooperation spirit. To further improvement and development of the civil service system, need to absorb the advanced experience of foreign based on summarizing the experience and lessons of the last, according to the specific needs of China effective governmentdevelopment, actively adapt to the new situation, "according to the requirement of building socialist political civilization, improve and perfect the civil service management system, to keep the team activity.

Key words:The civil service system、Seclection system、Countermeasures



上传会员 小天天 对本文的描述:为了加强公务员制定建设,我国拟定了《公务员暂行条例》,出台了10个配套法规和10个实施细则,初步形成了一套法律体系。我国国家公务员制度的基本内容在《公务员法》中有18章1......
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