
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-12
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摘  要:中学思想政治课堂加强合作学习是新课程改革与发展、中学《思想政治》教育教学、学生思想品德发展形成规律的需要,但合作学习目前存在合作学习构建不合理、盲目乱用合作学习以及课堂过于散漫的弊端,形成原因有合作学习参与者以及合作学习自身体制两方面的原因,应通过增强教师主导作用,重视学生主体作用以及建立合理评价机制等策略,充分调动学生的学习积极性和主体性。



Abstract:Strengthening cooperative learning in high school politics teaching is necessary in the reform and development of the new curriculum, high school "ideological and political" education. What's more, it's essential in the formation and development of students' ideology and morality. However, shortcomings in current cooperative learning are as follows. First,the structure of cooperative learning is irrational. Second, cooperative learning is used blindly. More over, the classes are too loose. Participants of cooperative learning and the system of cooperative learning lead to the shortcomings above. Therefore, strategies should be taken to fully activate the enthusiasm and subjectivity of students. The leading role of teachers should be enhanced, the function of students autonomy should be paid attention to and reasonable evaluation mechanism should be built.

Keywords: high school politics, cooperative learning, effectiveness

上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:其次合作学习的时间设置不合理。不同的教学内容所需的合作学习的时间是不同的。合作学习是一个完整流畅的过程,必须需要一定的时间才能完成。但在高中思想政治教学课堂实际中......
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