
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-12
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关键词: 生命教育;思想政治教育;高中思想政治课生命教育


Abstract:Life education is a kind of life values education activities, it to life as the main line, through a series of education activities to help students to understand the essence of life, improve the value of life. But it has always been a blind area of our country's high school students ideological and political education. To this end, we need: sets up the concept of life education, optimize high school ideological and political teaching goal; Enriching the content of ideological and political education, increase the intensity of life education; Into the life education idea, the high school thought political lesson teaching method innovation.

Key words: life education;the ideological and political education;high school thought political lesson of life education



上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:国内外学者对于生命教育的内涵虽然没有一个明确的定义,但是根据高中生思想政治课教学的目标和高中自身思想发展的特点,我们认为高中生思想政治教学中的生命教育要通过思想政......
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