
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-13
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Abstract:Life for each person only once, is the basis of all activities, is the foundation of education. However,the current middle school students' self and the phenomenon of ignoring the lives of others have occurred from time to time, life education situation brook no delay. Therefore, scholars to accurate positioning of Ideological and moral teaching value, make full use of teaching resources, the implementation of life education in the classroom teaching objectives; the creation of life education situation, create emotional atmosphere, using a variety of teaching methods; teachers to improve their own life quality; to establish reasonable evaluation mechanisms; domestic and foreign experience, strengthen study of life education, promote scientific development, life in the fusion of Ideological and moral education curriculum.

Key Words: Ideological and Moral course in Junior middle school, Middle school student, Life eduction



上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:本文所要讨论的生命教育,是针对学生生命历程中具体问题而开展的具体的、实践的生命教育,是关于学生生命意识、生命价值的教育,更倾向于狭义的生命教育。即生命教育“是以人......
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