
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-13
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Abstract:With the development of technology of the network information,people have entered an areo of self- Media.Self- media has lots of advantages,such as the barriers to entry is low, the rapid dissemination of information and a large amount of information, democratization and highly interactive.Though these adventages make great impact and challenges to the content and means of the ideological and political education,and it also have a great influence on the young students and educators network literacy skills.However,it have provided opportunities for he dissemination of information and educators and students’development.Therefore,it requires the innovation of the ideological and political workers and young students’concept.The innovation of the means,content, mechanism of education is very necessary.It is important to improve the legal and ethical system,so as to make the self-Medio become the new position of the ideological and political education.

Key words:We Medio,Ideological and political education,New positions



上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:自媒体具有强大的互动性,信息的传播不是单向的,而是彼此可以成为“粉丝”,互相关注,这样不仅可以自己发表心情,还能关注到别人的状态和动向。对于发生的时政热点还能各抒......
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