
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract:The transition of government function transformation of the mode of economic development has an important role. At present, the transformation of the mode of economic development, the functions of the government still has many problems, need to reasonably define and improve the government responsibility system and correct exercise of the functions of the government. In view of the current government in the process of economic transformation of the development of economy and society as a whole, ignore macro issues such as flexible means, at the same time in order to adapt to change the way of the current economic development, the government must perfect the functions of economic regulation, to strengthen the reform of income distribution mechanism, reasonable improvement and improve the functions of   government in public services, to strengthen the supervision and regulation of market economy.


Key Words: The functions of the government; The pattern of economic development. shift

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:目前,我国经济发展方式有着不合理的结构,落后经营方式,这与我们政府职能转变不到位有着重要的关系。政府作为行使公共权力的主体。制定公共政策的主导者,宏观调控经济的执......
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