
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract: COSPLAY culture has become one of the representative of the contemporary youth popular culture. Teenagers love COSPLAY culture through participation in COSPLAY way to express them to ACG works and the role of love, and spiritual satisfaction. COSPLAY as one of the important cultural and recreational activities for teenagers. In this paper, starting from the connotation of COSPLAY, introduces the origin of COSPLAY and expression, and then began to analyze the cause of COSPLAY fashion as well as to the impact of youth values, finally take the corresponding strategy means and methods to strengthen the COSPLAY on adolescents' positive effect and reduce the negative influence, promote the healthy growth of teenagers.

Key Words: youth; culture of COSPLAY; values;influence

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:每年全国各个地区大大小小的漫展都会有COSPLAY的表演,还会举办一些比赛。比如三大全国性质的COS比赛:每年4、5月左右的“杭州国际动漫节”;每年7月、8月在上海举办的“CHINAJOY”......
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