
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract: National identity is a kind of important national consciousness, and it is the spiritual bond to maintain the survival and development of the country. College students are the cornerstone of the country's future prosperity, the hope of the nation and the future of the nation. To enhance the University's national identity is an important task of University Ideological and political education. In recent years, the problem of national identity has received widespread attention, but the existing national identity theory research is not deep enough, and the countermeasures to strengthen the national identity of university students are not perfect. Therefore, we must find the factors that affect college students' national identity, accurately grasp the status quo and reasons of university students' national identity, and focus on the discussion of the countermeasures to strengthen the national identity of college students.

Key Words: College students;National identity;Patriotism

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:大学生是国家未来兴旺发达的基石,是国家的希望和民族的未来。大学生国家认同问题直接关系到国家的稳定团结和长治久安,因而大学生的国家认同问题日益受到国社会的关注。我将......
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