
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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关键词:大学生 ;公民意识 ;培育 ; 路径


Abstract:The citizen consciousness is one kind of existence form of social consciousness, it is a kind of modern consciousness, it is the public consciousness that forms under the modern rule of law. It focuses on the relationship between the rights and obligations of citizens, reflecting the moral values, values orientation, behavior norms, and so on between the individual and the state, the individual and the society, the individual and others. It emphasizes that people in the social life of the sense of responsibility, social morality, democratic consciousness and other basic moral consciousness. Due to various reasons, the relative lack of civic awareness of college students in our country, through the deep self reflection, and actively participate in social practice, the university classroom education, school culture environment construction, as well as the network of public opinion guidance for a variety of ways to cultivate the civic consciousness of college students.

 Key Words: College students; Citizen consciousness; Socialist core values; The path

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:要切实提升大学生的公民意识,不能仅仅把公民意识的培养放在嘴上说说,也不能仅仅让其停留在书本上。而应该将其转化为每个人内在的一种素养,转化为我们大学生在实际生活中应......
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