
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract:The emotional teaching in the ideological and political theory course is helpful to improving students’ learning motivation, shortening the distance between teachers and students, and enhancing the development of students’ ideology and morality. At present, there are many problems in the ideological and political lesson teaching in high schools. Firstly, schools pay more attentions to performance than moral education. Secondly, teachers have little passion in class teaching. Thirdly, students are not interested in the ideological and political theory course. The main reasons are the following: firstly, the teaching estimation system is imperfect; secondly, the traditional teaching thoughts limit teachers’ emotional teaching thoughts; lastly, the academic pressure restricts students’ emotion input. Therefore, we can optimize the emotional teaching  from educational management, teachers and teaching.

Key Words: Ideological and political in high school; Affective teaching; Emotional class

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:情感,是人的一种主观体验,是人们在接触事物时对它所做出的不同的反应形式。对于政治教学来说,情感的应用必不可少。教师前期的准备工作分外重要,通过酝酿所要表达的情绪,......
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