
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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关键词:周恩来 留学日本 拒约运动  思想发展


Abstract:Comrade zhou enlai was a great marxist.His life is a life of proletarian revolutionist, a life of an outstanding communist fighter.But comrade zhou enlai first come into contact with the marxism but not in China, but in Japan.Developing of dongdu Japan in his early thought is a turning point, is the beginning of he developed into communist fighter.This paper based on the background of studying in Japan, comrade zhou enlai comrade zhou enlai contact with new ideas and practice in Japan, the change of the idea about social transformation during a woeful comrade zhou enlai comrade zhou enlai three aspects to study in Japan period ideas change and development for analysis

Key Words: Zhou enlai  Studying in Japan  From about sports  The thought development

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:虽然本文是对周恩来留学日本时期的思想进行探析,但对周恩来赴日本留学之前在南开学校学习生活的这段经历的阐述仍很有必要,了解周恩来的这段人生经历,对我们进一步了解青年......
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