
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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Research on the Present College Students` Spiritual Needs 


Abstract:Present,college students as a group living in the critical period of the thirteen five-year development plan.The reforms is being in the crucial stage.The China has witnesses profound change in politics, economics, ideology and so on, and then effect on their spiritual world and behavioral mode. In realities, the spiritual needs of college students is facing many problems,such as weak consciousness of seek knowledge,the obvious utilitarian,the barren spiritual needs and so on.As a result,the ideological and political education have not achieved good results.Based on the above,we should guide the undergraduate spiritual needs.Such as enhance the consciousness of the main body of the college students, improve the ability and quality of ideological and political education workers,and so on.

Keywords: college students,spiritual needs,current situation,countermeasures

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:对大学生的精神需求进行必要的引导和调适是高校教育历来重视的话题。现实情况中,大学生精神需求正面临着许多问题:大学生求知欲较弱、功利性明显、盲目跟风等,以致于大学生......
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