
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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关键词:中学德育;德育评价;评价机制;多元化 ;全面发展


On the Evaluation System of Moral Education in Middle School


Abstract: The development of modern society has placed a brand new demand on high school moral education in the new period. To construct a higher level of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, our high schools enter into unprecedented reform and development. For one thing, current situations of our nation’s high school moral education should be known. For another thing, the actual content of moral education reform and innovation should be totally and systematically understood. Then efforts should be made to adjust and perfect high school education’s evaluation mechanism which can be put into practice and come into effect with timeliness, rationality and applicability.

Key Words:middle school moral education; moral education evaluation; evaluation

mechanism; diversification; comprehensive development

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:新课改提出的素质教育的主要特点是立足于受教育者和社会长远发展,以面向全体学生、全面提高学生的基本素质为根本目的。使受教育者充分发展个性,开发潜能,促进受教育者德智......
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