
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:congxia 更新时间:2021-05-02
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Abstract: Communications between different countries, nations and social communities are becoming more and more frequent and comprehensive. Consequently, contacts between one language and another have become more and more salient. Through contact between the English language and the Chinese language, a number of English words have been borrowed into Chinese vocabulary. The thesis introduces the definition and classification of loan words, and then gives a brief description of the relevant theories, and the samples from phonetic loan words, semantic loan words and loan blends are discussed, hoping that this study can broaden the study of loan words and deepen our understanding of English loan words translation.

Key words: loan words; phonetic translation; semantic translation





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review.2

2.1 Definition of Loan Words2 

2.2 Classification of Loan Words 2

3. Translation of Loanwords from English to Chinese.4

3.1 Translation of Loanwords into Phonemic Loans .4

3.2 Translation of Loanwords into Semantic Loans.5

3.3 Translation of Loanwords into Loan Blends7

4. Conclusion9



上传会员 congxia 对本文的描述:国际间的交流和融合导致大量新的概念、事物和文化被引入中国,来自不同国家、民族和社会团体之间的交流和沟通也日益广泛和深入,因此,不同语言间的接触和交流也更加密切。通......
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