
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:胡胡杨 更新时间:2022-02-28
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I.  Introduction1

II. The background 3

2.1 Overview of the story.3

2.2 Life of the author4

III. The reasons for Heathcliff's distorted character7

3.1 Inferiority and loneliness7

3.1.1 Outcast boy with a miserable childhood.7

3.1.2 Inferiority to Linton.8

3.1.3 Loss of Mr. Earnshaw's love.8

3.1.4 Loss of Catherine's love  9

3.2 Thoughts of hatred and revenge.10

3.2.1 Maltreatment by Hindley. 10

3.2.2 Catherine's death 11

3.3 Inner struggles and contradictions12

3.3.1 The love-hate relationship with Catherine12

3.3.2 Satisfaction but vacancy in heart.13

IV. Influence brought by character distortion15

4.1 Revenge against Hindley and his son, Hareton15

4.2 Revenge against Linton and his sister, Isabella15

4.3 Heathcliff's suicide. .16

V. Conclusion. .18

Bibliography. 19

Acknowledgments. .21

上传会员 胡胡杨 对本文的描述:Wuthering Heights is a novel about the tragic love story between foundling Heathcliff and Catherine. Due to reality, Heathcliff’ favorite girl Catherine, finally chose to marry Linton who is wealthy and noble. As a result, the maltreated H......
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