
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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   根据增添理论、记忆理论和信息加工理论,笔者在杭州一所初中选择了两个平行班开展实验。在教学实践中展开了两种词汇呈现模式的教学:图片呈现和语境呈现。实验中收集的所有数据均在SPSS 22.0系统的帮助下进行分析。









1. Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Objectives-2

1.3 Research Significance-2

2. Literature Review-3

2.1 Related Researches Abroad-3

2.2 Related Researches at Home-3

3. Theoretical Basis-5

3.1 Definitions-5

3.1.1 Vocabulary-5

3.1.2 Vocabulary Presentation-5

3.2 Elaboration Theory-6

3.3 Theory of Memory-6

3.4 Information Processing Theory-8

4. Research Design-10

4.1 Research Questions-10

4.2 Research Subjects-10

4.3 Research Materials-10

4.3.1 Selection of Vocabulary-10

4.3.2 Selection of Pictures-11

4.3.3 Selection of Contexts-11

4.4 Experimental Instruments-11

4.4.1 Test Papers-11

4.4.2 SPSS 22.0-12

4.5 Research Procedure-12

5. Results Analysis-14

5.1 Analysis of the Immediate Test Results-14

5.1.1 Descriptive Analysis-14

5.1.2 Independent Samples T Test-14

5.2 Analysis of the Delayed Test Results-15

5.2.1 Descriptive Analysis-15

5.2.2 Independent Samples T Test-15

5.2.3 Forgetting Trend Analysis-16

5.3 Analysis of the Test Results of Vocabulary of Different Part of Speech-16

5.3.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Picture Presentation-16

5.3.2 One-way Analysis of Variance of the Picture Presentation-17

5.3.3 Multiple Comparisons of the Picture Presentation-17

5.3.4 Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Context Presentation-18

5.3.5 One-way Analysis of Variance of the Context Presentation-18

6. Conclusion-20

6.1 Findings-20

6.2 Deficiencies of the Study-21

6.3 Suggestions for Future Study-21



Appendix One: Paper for the Pretest-24

Appendix Two: Paper for the Immediate Test-25

Appendix Three: Paper for the Delayed Test-26

上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:Vocabulary presentation is the first step of vocabulary teaching. In China, there are abundant researches closely related to the methods and strategies of vocabulary teaching but still lacking in the study on the vocabulary presentation mode......
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