
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-22
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ABSTRACT:We live in this space is a world of colors, color constitute the entire world, no color no colorful world, human beings have a world of color has a deep attachment and feelings, in the design of office space environment, space, color environment expression is an important part of the design. Each room has its own unique color meaning, such  "black" for lonely, brown people feel old-fashioned, but different concentrations of brown has not the old dull, but also produce some elegant; elegant bright red and pink too unassuming, if cool and quiet tune, to show the young and lively; white naturals too sober, if and warm mix more easily reveal its elegance. Therefore, good control of color in the area of ​​space heating and cooling, lighting, distance, etc. relativities is particularly critical. Use color emotion, air contrast, regional configurations, and a variety of color technology  a planned destination will be office space, meaning to show color environment to the user and allows the user to accept the message of colors, creating intimacy with color environment, which reflects its personality and common business operations, creating a pleasant and comfortable office space.

Keywords:office space;Environmental Information;Color Space




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:所以掌控好空间色彩中的面积、冷暖、明暗、远近等对比关系就特别的重要。运用色彩冷暖对比、面积配置以及各种配色手法,将办公空间色彩环境寓意展现给使用者,并让使用者接受......
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