
资料分类:艺术类设计 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-22
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关键词:现代简约风格  别墅设计  设计原则


ABSTRACT:With the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for higher quality of life and comfortable living space, away from the noisy city. And the choice of the residential environment is superior, more and more people are natural and simple villa life. New villa with the demand of the market growing up. Compared with the normal residential villas and other outdoor environment has an independent and spacious interior space, it will produce more personality traits, also highlighted the importance of display space and furnishings design. Better design space to solve the combination of indoor space and outdoor space, a combination of man and nature, and the natural environment in which. Display space and furnishings design modern villa should reflect the love of life, the personality, the head of household life style, better for householders to create high-quality living space and life experience, consistent with the style and thought. Into the natural environment, create a comfortable mood, and automatic fusion of fun. The householder can better enjoy it.

Keywords:modern minimalist style   villa design  design principles





上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:本次毕业设计的别墅作品是现代简约风格的—华美公馆,位于福建省晋江市迎宾路的华美公馆室内设计分为地下室、一层和二层室内设计,整体的设计理念是“以人为本、安全至上”。......
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